Thursday, September 22, 2005

PHP Compiler For .NET Framework

When I was a young boy I used to program web pages with PHP, an easy to learn script language programming, but after many headaches that it gave me... I decided to try others for web programming (Java) , in that days I promised I will never try to use PHP again (come on this scripting programming language doesn't promote the code reusability neither the OO Programming and Design, it doesnt have a debugger, its non-existing typing enforment allow many runtime errors... ).

But ... something new was making it appearance in the scene: The .Net Framework and of course the Mono Project ( that implements many features and improvements of the Java Virtual Machine and Runtime Classes.

I like this framework because it allows to reuse the knowledge about the programming language of our choice, the .net framework is targeted by many languages, and you can mix the assemblies (binary files) .... well many many advantages. And I like the Mono Project because it targets 7 hardware platforms, it's Open Source and led by a mexican Miguel De Icaza.

And today I found and tried the Phalanger which is a PHP Language Compiler for .NET Framework ( ). I think it's an interesting option for all that PHP lovers who want to improve their web applications.

Finally you can run your PHP in a managed environment, and use all the benefits of the .net framework.

The only "but" that I can express, PHPlanger is not a Full Open Source Project, and it doesnt work on Mono because it has PInvoke dependencies. :( To bad but it's a good starting point to make a full free PHP compiler)

Download it and try it by your self.

1 comment:

Luthien said...

Pues PHP es un lenguaje relativamente fácil, ahora si tiene la utilidad que dijiste tiene más ventajas sobre todo que ya surgió tu nuevo amor por .net